the science of water, water science

Dry Water

0 Comments 29 September 2010

Dry Water

As a child we all learn that water comes in three different states: it can be liquid, solid or gas. This is somewhat of a blunt understatement, confirmed by the presence of elements such as ice or vapor. Well I have news for you: there is now a forth state of water, a real oxymoron: dry water.  Dry water is solid, nor a gas but takes life under a powder like version of itself. This scientific discovery holds enormous potential for the future.

The powder scientists like to call dry water is 95% composed by water.  This innovative substance was discovered in 1968 mostly for its potential in the cosmetics world. In 2006, scholars from the University of Hull decided to restudy its structure and properties. Since then, numerous studies have been done and dry water continues to fascinated scientists around the world. According to specialists, dry water could also provide the starting base for a way to transport potentially dangerous chemical products. In addition, this magical white powder also absorbs and stores carbon dioxide, an important discovery in order to limit the effects of global warming. According to experts and various researches it appears that “dry water can absorb more than three times as much carbon dioxide as an ordinary mix of water and silica” (Source: This discovery is fundamental insofar it means that dry water could absorb large quantities of power plant emissions, by blocking the greenhouse gases.

Every single water particle is composed by a water drop that is surrounded by altered silica that “prevents the water droplets from combining and turning back into a liquid. The result is a fine powder that can slurp up gases, which chemically combine with the water molecules to form what chemists terms a hydrate” (Source”: According to scientists, dry water could also be used for the storage of methane, providing a safer method to store methane fuel that could be used to power gas vehicles.

The potential scientific applications seem to be numerous since experts have perhaps elaborated an additional utility to this white powder. Indeed, according to them, dry water could be an important tool to accelerate catalyzed reactions between hydrogen gas and maleic acid that consequently produce succinic acid, a “raw material widely used to make drugs, food ingredients, and other consumer products” (Source: This could lower the costs of many drugs, consequently increasing the production and the demand and potentially ameliorating the lives of many sick patients.

This substance that recalls powdered sugar could revolutionize the world of science with its multiple properties and characteristics that could be beneficial to the future of mankind. Dry water appears to be a strong enemy ready to fight against global warming by absorbing impressive quantities of carbon dioxide. In addition this magical powder could facilitate the transportation of dangerous chemical products and gases.



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